Demand for Architects & Engineers
At present there is an unprecedented demand for Architects, Civil & Structural Engineers and Building Services Design Engineers across all sectors of the Construction industry. There is an enormous shortage in the supply of residential units of all categories which is only driving up the price of housing units.
Shortage of Apartments
At a recent address to the Dublin Economics Workshop, Dr. Ronan Lyons, economist and lecturer in Trinity College highlighted the need for one and two bedroomed apartments in Ireland. Ireland has a mere 10% of its housing stock in such unit sizes, compared to 30-40% throughout countries in Europe. He estimated that Ireland has about 500,000 fewer apartments than it should have right now for the size of its population, and that the apartment shortage is the single biggest factor driving the current crisis.
If you are considering a career move and wish to discuss the current opportunities within Architecture, Engineering, Quantity Surveying and Construction, please contact or call Caroline on + 353 86 8055216.