Dublin Airport Authority have signalled their intention to proceed with immediate effect with the construction of the long awaited €320 million second runway in Dublin Airport, to accommodate the anticipated growth in air traffic passenger numbers in the years ahead. The ‘north runway’ as it is named, will be completed by the end of 2021, and is widely regarded as perhaps, ‘the most important thing Ireland will build in a generation…’


Noise pollution.

The project has been delayed because of a condition in the An Bord Pleanala permission restricting the number of flights at night time, which would seriously undermine the optimum use of the facility if it were to be imposed. Currently, DAA, together with Fingal County Council, who have been nominated by the Government to monitor the restrictions, are meeting to see if the restrictions can be relaxed / modified to allow full night time capacity to be achieved.


Air Traffic Growth.

Last year saw a total of 29.6 million passengers using Dublin Airport, an increase of 55% in traffic over the previous five years.  The provision of the new runway will ‘position the country to compete globally in a post Brexit environment’ according to Dalton Phillips, the DAA’s chief executive.

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