The official opening of the latest stretch of the M18 motorway, linking Gort and Tuam took place last week. This represents yet another essential upgrade in the road network throughout Ireland. Civil Engineers, Traffic and Transportation Engineers and other Construction Professionals contributed essential expertise to the project which cost in the region of €500 million.

Civil Infrastructure

Increasingly, Architects and Engineers, whether Civil Engineers or Structural Engineers, are involved in the preparation of infrastructure works for estate development works for major housing projects. In recent interviews, Architects and Engineers pointed out that site development works and pre-construction work, as a prelude to construction work on site commencement, were essential to speed up the programme for supply of housing.

Planning delays

A recent survey of Architects and Engineers highlighted the very significant bottlenecks in the overall Planning process which is causing delays in the Construction delivery process. Architects have expressed their frustration in the very slow progress of the pre-construction process, due to the acute shortage of Architects, Engineers and Town Planners in the Local Authorities. Unless we address these issues, the current state of affairs will not alter.

If you are considering a career move and wish to discuss the current opportunities within Architecture, Engineering, Quantity Surveying and Construction, please contact or call Caroline on + 353 86 8055216.